Transform CT to/from LG

Transform a vector or a matrix to/from CT and LG.

CT (Conventional Terrestrial XYZ) is an absolute reference frame centered on the center of the Earth.
LG (Local Geodetic NEU) is a relative reference frame centered on the user and pointing to Geodetic North.

For more information on reference frames, please see GeoLab’s Math Models.

How to use the tool:

Transforming a vector: Enter the vector components in either X/Y/Z or N/E/U.
Transforming a matrix: Enter the matrix components in either QXX,QXY,… or QNN,QNE,…. Here Q represents the matrix and coefficients QXX represent the variance of X, QXY represent the covariance of X and Y, etc…

Clicking the XYZ->NEU button will transform both the vector and matrix components of X,Y,Z into N,E,U, and vice versa for the XYZ<-NEU button.

Note: in both cases, the "Origin coordinates", or latitude and longitude of the Local Geodetic reference point (user location) are needed

Also note that a vector represents a spatial distance and not a specific location.

Mitch Palmer